Thursday, February 6, 2014

Goal Weight Competition!

I've really been stumped about how to get this blog started. I've created and deleted so many posts and even another entire blog!

I finally decided that since I've been telling so many people about Alpha Oxy Med's competition, and it doesn't look like they're doing it again this year, why not host my own??

For several reasons I'll get into in later posts, I don't want this to be an average "weight-loss" competition. I want it to be more of a goal weight competition.

Here's how it's going to work:

*It's going to start Monday, February 17th and end on May 18th (90 days).  

I'll post the winner on Monday, May 19th.

*Anyone can enter 

The winner will be determined by the person who is closest to their goal weight by May 18th. This is on the honor system so be honest! Use the same scale to weight yourself each time. If there is a tie, a tie-breaker will be determined by the person who has had the most involvement with the competition (participation in other challenges, accomplishment of other goals, etc.).  Also, if you're one of those people who are against scales, but you have other goals you're working on like measurements or another form of a measurable goal-just let me know.

*I'll post helps (like menu plans, recipes, etc.) and host smaller challenges along the way. 

I want to be an active participant in the challenge (although I can't win), because I need motivation right now too!

*Only sustainable forms of weight loss allowed! 

Basically, this means no fad diets.  You must use a weight loss method that you can keep up after the competition is over. You don't have to use the suggestions I provide, but if you're not going to live the rest of your life eating only grapefruit, you can't do it to win this competition.

*The winner gets $100!  

I'll post other "mini competitions" along the way and smaller prizes will be awarded for those as well.  I will post standings on the 18th of every month to see how everyone's progressing.

*To enter: Send me an e-mail at and let me know you're interested in being part of the competition. Be sure to also include:

-A username (if you don't want me to use your real name in standing updates)
-Your goal weight by May 18th

The first 10 people to enter will be put into a drawing to win the first prize!

Be sure to make your goal weight realistic!! What would be a realistic (and healthy!) weight for you 90 days from now?? Keep in mind that healthy weight loss (and weight gain, I would assume) is 1-2 lbs. per week.

On a Side Note: I had initially thought about having an "everyone donate to the prize pool and winner take all" sort of thing, but decided against it for several reasons. However, if you'd like to donate to the prize pool, let me know!  I think it would boost motivation and maybe even create a way to do 2nd and 3rd place prizes.

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