Friday, April 4, 2014


So, I have a confession to make, that may not be all that surprising to most of you!

I was talking with a good friend today (one of you actually!) and the realization hit me that I have not been a very good participant in this competition! Like I said, I'm sure most of you have figured that out by this point, but I think I've been in denial about it, using pregnancy as my excuse. I know every one of us has excuses in life to not get started or stay on track with healthy living and I was hoping that this competition would be a way for us to overcome those trials together. I apologize for making my excuse more legitimate than any of yours. Pregnancy is an excuse to gain weight, that is true. But not to have a "splurge day" every other day or eat four dinners! Especially while trying to convince others to do the opposite!

When I weighed myself this morning, I was 3 pounds from my total pregnancy goal weight...and I still have 10 weeks left! The baby alone is going to gain more weight than that before my due date so it's pretty safe to say that that goal is not going to be achieved!

The past few weeks have been pretty rough around here! I feel like since I hit the third trimester, I haven't had ANY motivation or drive. Coupled with contractions, aches and pains, little sleep, sick kids, unexpected work days and just LIFE in general, I feel like I haven't been able to get on top of anything and am playing a lot of catch up! (On a side note, it's interesting to see how our physical health is affected when our emotional health suffers!) I know that because of the excuses I listed above, I've been SO much more likely to sleep in, not be active, go out to eat and just not be accountable in general.

I'm not trying to make this post about my excuses or a place to vent, I want to say I'm sorry, and that I know the things I've been complaining about and giving myself excuses about are things that we ALL struggle with and I'm sorry I've been so hypocritical.

Anyway, upon seeing how much weight I've gained, I really deliberated last night whether or not I'd keep trying to maintain a healthy weight, or just let myself go and have an "enjoyable", low-stress, no worries rest of my pregnancy.

I've decided I'm going to keep trying! I'm making a new goal weight for myself (15 more pounds, that's a little more than a pound a week, which is healthy 3rd trimester weight gain, and would still put me 20 lbs. under what I weighed when Remi was born) and am recommitting to keeping track of what I eat and trying to be more active! I'm going to try to make the menus more "last minute friendly" and stick to them as closely as possible. I'm going to WRITE DOWN my FOCUS and goals every week and refer back to that when I get off track. I hope everyone out there who has reached some type of rut or frustration will join me! We still have almost half the time left and we can still make it worthwhile!

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