Saturday, July 19, 2014

Goal Weight Competition-General Info

We're SO excited about getting this group going again! HUGE thanks toNatalie Thatcher for helping me this time around...last time got a little stressful! But, I feel like it was also very successful and worthwhile, which is why I want to do it again!!
For those of you who are new, PLEASE let Natalie or I know if you're lost or don't understand at anytime!! We want everyone to feel encouraged...don't just drop off the radar because you don't get something...we're all friends here and I know everyone who's been added will be encouraging and helpful to each other!
For those who did the last challenge, you'll see a few changes, but hopefully all good after learning from the last time around. So basically, here's how it's going to work:

*It's going to last nine weeks (Monday, July 21st-Monday, September 15th). 
The winner will be determined by the person who is closest to their goal weight by September 15th. This is on the honor system so be honest! Use the same scale to weigh yourself each time. You can earn points as outlined below. In the event of a tie, a ttie-breaker will be determined by the person with the most points.
*Anyone can enter and it is free to enter. However, we'd be more than happy to have anyone donate to the prize pool! The more money we have, the cooler the prizes will be. Plus, it will be a little more motivating if you've vested money in it right?
*We'll post helps (like menu plans, recipes, etc.) and have "themes" for each week where we can learn and discuss different struggles, motivations, etc.
*Only sustainable forms of weight loss allowed! 
Basically, this means no fad diets. You must use a weight loss method that you can keep up after the competition is over. You don't have to use the suggestions we provide, but if you're not going to live the rest of your life eating only grapefruit, you can't do it to win this competition.
*The competition will be broken into three week intervals and there will be smaller prizes for those with the most points at the end of each three week interval, as well as a grand prize for the winner.
*Send Natalie or me what you'd like to weigh by September 15th to enter. 

Be sure to make your goal weight realistic!! What would be a realistic (and healthy!) weight for you 9 weeks from now?? Keep in mind that healthy weight loss (and weight gain, I would assume) is 1-2 lbs. per week.
I'll be posting more over the weekend to get things going, but those are the basics. Look for the menu plan tomorrow so you can get your grocery shopping done before the week starts on Monday!

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