Monday, August 18, 2014


La Rae has always been so motivational to me! So I'm glad she has written about one of the subjects that I struggle with the most! I'm seriously already so motivated, and have already heightened some of my goals and pushed myself a little harder today! Thanks so much LaRae!

Hey gals!! This week we’re going to get our hearts pumping & calories burning! EXERCISE! Exercise is something I am not an expert on, but it is something I am passionate about! I hope my thoughts and passion can help light a spark for you to gain a love for exercise too!  
If you are stuck in a rut & don’t know where to start, here are a few ideas to help get you jump started! If you already have an exercise routine…way to go!!...and hopefully these ideas will keep you going! 
What are your reasons to exercise? Beginner or advanced it is a good idea to sit down and write out some of your reasons to exercise. There are the obvious ones…more energy, lose weight, build muscle, ect. Then there are the reasons that take a little more thought…here are a few ideas from my list of reasons why I exercise…
  1. Makes me happy. On days that I don’t exercise I am a grump! One of my favorite “name that movie” quotes….”exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people just don’t shoot their husbands!”….anybody know this one??!
  2. Relieves stress & clears my mind. I try to run a few times a week just to help clear my mind. Sometimes I don’t take my IPod, just so I have that time to really ponder deep & re-evaluate life. I also get some great thoughts & ideas while I exercise!
  3. Exercise gives me confidence & makes me feel proud of myself. Exercise is not easy (in more ways than one!) When I reach a fitness goal it is a great feeling of accomplishment! After I finish a good exercise & I’m dripping sweat (love that feeling!) I am like…”BOOM! I just killed it this morning!” Be proud of yourself!!
  4. Exercise helps me stay productive. On days that I exercise in the mornings I find that I have more energy & motivation to get more done throughout the day. Days that I don’t get an early morning exercise in are so sluggish! 
  5. Example. I love that my girls come & exercise with me! They love to do jumping jacks, and watching them try to do a push up is the cutest thing! It’s not always easy having them right under my feet while I exercise, but teaching them that it is important & fun is so worth it!
My list can go on & on, and this post would go on & on, but when I’m having a hard time putting on my running shoes (yes those days do happen!) I can read my list & remember why I exercise! Which brings me to…
No excuses! We all have 100 excuses not to exercise…I don’t have the time, it’s too hot, I’m too tired, I’m sore, it’s hard, etc. BUT we all have 101 excuses to exercise!! (refer to your exercise lists!) Time! This was my biggest excuse! We all have crazy schedules, and maybe yours doesn’t allow an hour to exercise. However, if you start with 3 different 10 minute activities (morning, midday, evening), then you’ve put in 30 minutes of exercise that day! A few ideas to sneak exercise into your day…take the stairs not the elevator, walk part of the way to work, do housework at a brisk pace, work in your yard, park in the north 40 at the grocery store or post office. Don’t try to find the time, MAKE the time! We can’t control the weather, but let’s not use that as an excuse to not be active! Pinterest has some great at home exercise ideas that can help with those too hot or snowy days! Exercise can help improve sleeping patterns, but it is probably the last thing you want to do after a 12 hour night shift or being up every 2 hours with a baby….sooo tired! Pep-talk yourself into doing a 10 minute activity…mine is a 10 minute ab workout! If that is all you can do for the day, way to go! Don’t be afraid to be sore! That means your body is working hard for the change you want!! (just drink some pickle juice & eat a few bananas for the next few days!) It’s too hard…. It’s supposed to be hard! If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you! Be stronger than your excuses!
Start Somewhere. Now that you’ve got your list made, and the excuse are out of your head you are ready to get started! If you are just starting out on your exercise journey find an activity that you enjoy and can do comfortably. It’s important that we don’t beat ourselves up and compare our fitness levels to others (guilty)….those “others” had to start somewhere too! Small amounts of exercise are better than none at all. Don’t get frustrated after the 1st week of starting out & not seeing the results you want. Change takes time. The results WILL come, but they will take WORK! When you feel like quitting, think about why you started!
Challenge Yourself. If you already have an exercise routine, step it up! For those in the early stages of exercise routines keep pushing yourself! If you’re walking 2 miles in 45 minutes, try pushing yourself to walk 2 miles in 30 minutes. If your weights are too light & those triceps pushbacks are a breeze go get heavier weights! When doing ab workouts fight for 1 more repetition! Count how many push-ups, crunches, squats, ect you can do in a minute, then the next time try getting 3 more in the minute! Exercise doesn’t get easier, YOU GET BETTER!!
Make it fun! To help keep you motivated, workout with a friend! A workout partner can offer you support & encouragement. Also, you’ll be less likely to skip out on a workout when you know someone is counting on you! Add some fun music, watch your favorite TV show while running on the treadmill, include your family! Add variety! Walk one day, ride your bike the next. I personally like to do upper body one day, lower the next, cardio & repeat. Just like the fun water bottle idea to help you drink more water, get some fun, vibrant workout clothes that will help you feel excited about working out! Keep a workout journal! Mine is just a cheap dollar store calendar that I take the month pages out & hang in my closet. I’ve got it highlighted in fun, bright colors & I have my workouts planned out (kinda like a menu!) when I’ve completed them for the day I mark it off! Make it eye-catchy so you won’t miss it! There are lots of workout trackers online that can help you keep track of your fitness journey. I love looking back & seeing how far I’ve progressed & what I can do to keep pushing forward!  Whatever you do, make exercise work for your schedule, make exercise fun so you won’t get burnt out, make exercise yours! 
Set goals & stick to them! A good goal for many people is to work towards exercising 5 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes (remember you can break those minutes up throughout the day). Exercise has so many health benefits that any amount is better than none. When setting your fitness goals try not to set them so high that you just set yourself up for failure. Set goals that you can achieve, yet that are challenging. Reward yourself! (try to stay away from reward foods!) Rewards like a new outfit, massage, workout clothes or workout music, etc. 
Stay Motivated! Lastly, stay motivated! (easier said than done some days!) Developing an exercise habit is a process. It is not a quick fix, it is a permanent lifestyle change! Don’t’ get discouraged with yourself when failure happens. Pick yourself up & try again. You only have to find enough motivation for today’s workout. When tomorrow comes, you’ll find motivation for that one too. Turn to your family & friends for support & encouragement. Make yourself a motivation wall or book. Look there when things are getting hard. Go online & you will find all sorts of motivational quotes! (I’ve used some in this post!) Today is your day!
I’m sorry for this lengthy post, but I hope my ideas will help you get on track & stay on track so you can enjoy your new, healthy lifestyle! If you need more ideas there are lots of fitness helps online. I’ve just shared some of my personal tips that have helped me gain a love for exercise and develop a healthy habit! 
To earn an extra point this week challenge yourself to 1 more exercise this week & post on the FB page what you did. (If you do 3 days/week, exercise 4 days) Good luck this week! 

One more thought… The moment you really feel your own strength is the moment you commit to exercise for the long run. To get there, however, you have to keep doing it!

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