Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Do What is Hard

"Discipline is that characteristic which will give you the strength to avoid giving up what you want most in life for something you think you want now."
-Richard G. Scott

We have a family member who's trying to make some pretty significant life changes right now. He's been getting really discouraged because it's been requiring a lot more work and time and stretching than I think he was prepared for. 

I can't count the number of times I've told him throughout this whole thing, "you have to do what's hard NOW to getto where it's easy". 

I've been thinking a lot this week, about how true that is in so many aspects of life. Whether it's saving money, going to college, working through a rough relationship, moving for a new job, or even staying at one you don't like to support your family; all these things require doing putting off instant gratification and doing what's hard NOW to be more comfortable and get what is REALLY wanted later. 

As I was thinking about what I wanted the overall theme of this challenge to be, I realized how perfectly that message also fits into creating a healthy lifestyle. It's hard to eat healthy. It's hard to track every single thing you eat. It's hard to push yourself for a good workout. It's hard to find time to workout. It's hard to stop after one piece of pizza or one bowl of ice cream. 

However, if we can all commit to doing what's hard now, in the long run, it won't be hard. We'll be able to indulge in treats a little more and it will be easier to turn them down. Workouts will become habits and become enjoyable. Healthy living will be a lifestyle and not just something that's hard. 

I don't quite feel like I'm getting out the motivation I'm feeling from this realization, so here are some quotes that reflect how I'm feeling. You can earn another extra point this week if you comment and let me know which you like best and feel should be our motto, or even post a different one that's not on here (Katie and Ashley K, you've already earned that point, but I'd still love to hear your thoughts!)


  1. I really like, "don't give up what you want most for what you want now."

  2. I like "Do what is hard" and "Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most" Also this is Natalie and not Cheston... but I am sure you figured that out :)

  3. I like "do what is hard now". I always choose to do what is ready now, and then complain that it's hard later!

    I also really like " if you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done ".

  4. Love this ash!!! I need a pep talk a lot!!!

  5. I love these! I was just thinking about this idea of "do what is hard." I really like that one. I've been trying to live by, "if it scares you, you should probably do it." I've just been trying to get out of my comfort zone recently and it's so hard but you feel so good afterwards!
