Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hey guys! I've been wanting to do a "check in" type post to see how everyone's doing! 

I know if you're like me, the long weekend has gotten the best of you and you're starting this week sluggish after a slow past few weeks. I want this week to be the week that you really dig deep and push through! Remember the reasons you want to keep up a healthy lifestyle and the things that have motivated you and that you've learned so far. Remember how good it feels to take care of yourself and feel fit and in control. 

We're coming to the last leg of the competition. These last three weeks will determine the winner, but more importantly, they'll solidify the good habits you've created. If you've been struggling to stay afloat the past few weeks, resolve to make this week and the next two REALLY count! You can do it! I know every single person in this group has had a strong week in one of the past weeks. Challenge yourself to break your point record and to be as close to perfect as possible! Don't give in to excuses! We all have them! Find motivation that is stronger than your excuses! We all have those too! If you need to, write down your weekly goals and motivators and put them somewhere you'll see them everyday. 

On that note, I have a favor to ask you all. Sometime during the week, would you mind taking the time to fill this out and PM it to me? I want to make a post where I talk about some of the common frustrations and strengths we've all been facing over these past several weeks, and ways we can learn from each other's strengths to help overcome our weaknesses. Please try to get it to me by Sunday. 

1. What have you found to be your biggest struggle/excuse when trying to make positive changes?

2. What has been your biggest accomplishment/what are you most proud of?

3. If you could share one or two things with a friend about what you think is most important when trying to be healthier, what would it be?

This week, things will (hopefully) get a little crazy in the group! I want everyone to explode with motivation!  I want everyone to try to post as much as they can on the FB page with things that motivate you or things you've done right throughout the week! If you turn down a treat for something more healthy, post about it! If you drank a ton of water, show us your empty bottle! If you had a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, show us pictures! If you worked up a good sweat, this is your permission to take a selfie and post it! (Even if you did it yesterday!) 

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea! 

One more thing, we have already determined the winners of the first and second three weeks. I'll post them as soon as we get their prizes together. In the meantime, I want these last three weeks to be the weeks where you give it ALL you've got! SO, this week, if you send me the answer to the questions I listed above AND share your motivation on the FB page, you can DOUBLE your points for the week!!! 

I'm so excited to see what everyone's up to  and how you're keeping your drive this week! Three weeks left! Pick up where you're at right now and make them count!!

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