Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Circling the Drain

Does anyone else feel like they're circling the drain?!

I feel like I've been losing and re-gaining the same 2 lbs. for the past several weeks! Frustrating! 

The most frustrating thing is that I know I can keep those two lbs. off, and then keep losing, I'm just not doing what it takes to get there.

Today is the second day of the final week. I know I'm not going to be able to reach my goal weight this week, but I am going to use this week to kick it into gear and get back on track! I hope you will too, even if there's no chance you'll reach your goal weight, set one or three goals for this week and stick to them! 

Here are mine:

Eat a veggie with EVERY meal

Eat meals that are under 400 calories

Go to bed by 11

Like I said, I KNOW  what I need to do to lose the weight, I've just found some great excuses to ride out instead. I tried to make my goals for the week reflect the things I know I personally need to do to get back on a good foot. 

A few weeks ago, I asked you all to send me the things that YOU struggle with, and what you're confident about. Thank you to those of you who completed that! I'm in the process of making a post with some motivators and suggestions from those answers. 

In the meantime, don't get discouraged about how far you haven't come! Make this week a week to beat your personal best! Try to get the most points you've ever gotten and make your eating and exercise as close to perfect as you can get!

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