Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 1

Good morning everyone!

I'd planned to do a more informative/motivating post today, but I keep feeling like there may be some things that are unclear and I want everyone to feel like they know what they're focus is starting out today.

I know the FB page can get kind of hairy and hard to find things so please let me know if you're feeling lost on there! This post should cover everything we've been talking about on FB in the past few days.

  • Save, write down, or print the point system and start documenting your points!
  • Make SURE you have a specific menu plan. If you don't already have one made by now, I suggest using mine for this week to save yourself some stress and planning! I'm also going to start preparing as much of my food ahead of time as I can today to try to make eating healthy throughout the week easier.
  • Go grocery shopping if you haven't already! 
  • Install MyFitnessPal and start logging everything you eat
  • Come up with a plan of action for your exercise, but start light! It's really hard to dive into eating well AND exercise all in one shot. Exercise is important, but we'll get there! If you have to choose one to focus on, right now, I say focus on cleaning up your diet!
  • Come up with two measurable and attainable goals for this week and share them with us on the Facebook group. Write them down somewhere you'll see them frequently and have a way/place to measure your progress.

Hannah made this awesome printable to be able to track your points! (If you can't save it here, she posted it in the Facebook group and you can download it there-thanks Hannah!)
 If you have ANY questions, PLEASE let me know or ask the group! We're all here to help each other!

Here's a post I made earlier in the week about getting started, if you missed it.
And here's one with clarification about the point system.

I hope everyone has an AWESOME, productive first day! If you're finding yourself discouraged already, remember that today is DAY 1 and you don't have to perfect bad habits TODAY! After a while, you'll be surprised to find that some things that are so hard today will start to come second nature to you!

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