Saturday, March 8, 2014


I'm feeling a little intimidated writing this post right now, because at the moment, I am NOT the best person to be preaching about how to ward off cravings like a champ. I probably should've had this week be a week where I had someone else write the post!

Normally, when I'm not pregnant, I can do really well getting on a roll and staying motivated and saying "no" to temptations!

Normally, when I AM pregnant, I throw caution to the wind, gain 60-70 lbs. and rely on strong willpower after the hormones are gone to take the weight off.
This time around, I don't want to have to work so hard after the baby's born so, I decided if I could eat healthy when I'm not pregnant, I should be able to eat healthy while I am pregnant. 
Turns out, it's been A LOT harder than that! I've really been able to relate and have sympathy for people who have told me in the past that they feel like they literally CANNOT fight off a craving!

So, the following are methods that have worked for me in the past, and things I'm going to try to start incorporating to try to help whenever a craving strikes!
  1. Drink a whole cup of water before eating anything
  2. Eat an apple or other favorite fruit first
  3. Get busy doing something else (like going for a walk or cleaning)
  4. Look at pictures of healthy food
  5. Chew gum
  6. Go to bed (if you're one of those late-night snackers like me)!
  7. Keep quick, healthy options nearby so you don't get too hungry
  8. Find a way to make whatever you're craving and substitute healthy ingredients for unhealthy ones
  9. Try to get enough sleep (am I the only one who loses all willpower when they're tired?)
  10. Get it out of the house! (out of sight, out of mind)
I feel like a lot of the tips I shared in my post about being healthy at work/on the go, can be helpful with cravings as well. So if you missed that one, try to go back and read it when you have time.

Sometimes, you may just have to indulge a little-if you just CAN'T fight the nag to eat something, have a LITTLE.  I usually try to force myself to eat something more healthy along with it. It's amazing how once you start replacing unhealthy food with healthy food, you begin to realize how much better you feel and want the junk less! Also, keep in mind that, especially as far as this competition is concerned, I really want the focus to be on making healthy changes you can make into a lifestyle. Unless you're never going to eat chocolate again, don't beat yourself up for eating it once in a while! I am aware that most of you are trying to lose weight right now and obviously, MAINTAINING a healthy weight (once you get there) allows a lot more freedom than LOSING weight, BUT, don't deprive yourself! You shouldn't feel like a prisoner! 

On that note, in looking back on some of my food diaries, I've realized that even during some of the times when I was really on a roll with my weight loss, I rarely (if ever) had even one "perfect" day. I saw sugar in my daily diet on a regular basis more than I expected to. But, IN SMALL AMOUNTS! One thing I've learned since I realized this is that you don't need to DEPRIVE yourself, you need to CONTROL yourself! Beating yourself up for having a brownie or eating cake and ice cream on your birthday, in my opinion, only starts a downward spiral of getting out of control. If you can control yourself from the get-go (eat your brownie and then put the pan away!), you can satisfy your craving and then go on with your day. I find if I put it off all day, it just nags me all day until I finally give in, then I get mad at myself and feel like the day is ruined and go WAY off track!

Another thing I think is interesting (that I've found to be true for myself anyway), is that the more I gradually and steadily cut out bad foods, the less I want them!

I'd really like to know what everyone's thoughts are on this.  Do you agree? Do you think I'm just crazy? Do you think I'm telling you to go eat whatever you've been craving all week right now (because I'm not by the way!)? 

What are things you've found to work in the past when you've struggled with cravings?

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