Saturday, March 8, 2014

Week 4 Menu

Here's Week 4's Menu! I'm trying a new way of uploading it, so let me know if you have any problems with it.

This week is going to be about portions and veggie "loading". I saw that term on Pinterest and didn't really even bother to look at the pin it came from, I just liked it for what it meant to me right away!

So this week will be a little more centered around making sure you're eating veggies at every meal (fruits are good too, veggies are just going to be the focus).  I'll make a post about it next week but, if you all don't mind, I'd like to add a "Challenge Group Goal" to your weekly goals next week.

Try to eat as many vegetables as possible with EVERY meal.

If you can do this with at least 3 of your daily meals, you can earn an extra point next week.

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